UK Congress 2016
Ballroom Dancers’ Federation International proudly present The 20th UK Congress (By kind permission of Dance News Ltd.) On Monday 18th January 2016 in the Tregonwell Hall, Bournemouth International Centre, Bournemouth
Doors Open 3.00pm
Featuring Lectures commencing at 4.00pm: Sergey Surkov – Melia and Tony – Amanda Dokman

Tony & Amanda Dokman
… and also featuring an audience with Anothony & Fay Hurley
Congress Comperes: David Sycamore and Nicola Nordin
Free admission for all
For your FREE tickets please apply to: Fredric Frennessen, Secretary BDFI, Tumbleturn, Copped Hall Drive, Camberley, Surrey GU15 1NP. England. Please include a self addressed envelope. Or apply using our contact form. On-line ticket requests can be collected on the door